Shock Doctor Power Dry Core MMA Gear Bag

Most likely, after a hard MMA workout, you and your MMA gear and clothing will be soaking wet. Putting it in your gym bag WITHOUT ventilation will produce a terrible problem: bacteria growth and extremely foul odors.

Shock Doctor has created a solution, an MMA gear bag that will blast ionized, ozonated and heated air to kill bacteria growth and deodorize your gear.

Besides keeping your gear from smelling up the place, you can eliminate the chance of getting sick from bacteria infections common to MMA, such as staph. It will help keep you healthy for your next fight and your career.

The Power Dry Core bag features two large drying chambers and a very durable construction made from Denier Polyester. There is also a retractable handle for conveniently hauling your gear.

Buy the Shock Doctor Power Dry Core MMA Gear Bag