Triumph United Purple MMA T Shirt

Triumph United’s Purple Destroyer is probably the most purple MMA T shirt we have ever seen. The color of this purple is extremely vibrant and when combined with the yellow letters it’s almost blinding. But this can be used to your advantage when grappling with your opponent, remember “a man that cannot see, cannot fight”.

All jokes aside, this shirt is bright and unusual, its perfect for anyone that wants to stand out, we mean REALLY stand out. It’s certainly a cool shirt if you want to be different and need a unique T shirt for the gym. We can see funny UFC fighter Tom Lawlor rocking this purple shirt out for sure.

If you want a pair of MMA shorts to match, we suggest the Purple Warrior Wear Fight shorts. Together, the purple shirt and shorts combo, your grappling opponent won’t stand a chance.

Buy the Purplest Purple MMA T Shirt ever